"Celebrating Christ and Serving Community 

at 6th and Lincoln and Throughout the World."

 Join Us for Worship

We gather both in-person and online, Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m.

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Children & Worship

At First Presbyterian, we believe that all ages worship together as children of God.  We also recognize that the younger members of our faith family may need a variety of tools to support and enhance their worship experience. 

  • Weekly children’s bulletins and message during the worship service

  • Nursery availability for children birth through end of preschool

  • Worship bags for children aged, pre-K, grades 1-3, and grades 4-5

  • Children’s choir opportunities throughout the school year

  • Opportunities to participate and help lead worship

Get Involved

The FPC Organ​

Congregational singing is vital to worship at First Presbyterian Church, and the Paul Fritts Op. 41 organ is the ideal instrument to lead it.   The 2-manual 36-stop instrument, built at the Fritts Organ Shop in Tacoma, Washington, was dedicated to the service of the church in February 2018.  It was designed in appearance and sound to strongly connect to significant historic organs throughout Northern Europe and central Germany.  While each stop has a distinct personality, the organ offers innumerable small and large combinations. Essential to its sound is a German Baroque influence, which is brilliantly blended with older and more modern characteristics on the Swell, such as the Hautbois, celestes, Principal, swell box, and combination action.  It was mechanically designed to thrive in Indiana weather, with wooden components treated to enable a change in dimensions as the humidity fluctuates.  The mechanical action of the keys, which literally hang from the valves that wind the pipes, is self-adjusting throughout the seasons.  The voicing of the 2300 pipes was optimized for the acoustics of the sanctuary and the musical needs of a singing congregation.  Aesthetically, architectural ratios found in the church sanctuary were considered when designing the instrument casework, and hand carved pipe shades are painted with gold leaf to enhance the visibility of the intricate detail.

Our worship through music

Chancel Choir

Alex Koppel, Director​

When:  Sings every Sunday at the 10 a.m. service
What:  SATB vocal arrangements, spanning a wide range of musical genres
Who:  Singers high school age and older
Rehearsals:  Thursday - 7:00-8:15 p.m. and Sunday – 9:15 a.m., in the sanctuary

Handbell Choir

Brian McNulty, Director

When:  Shares musical offerings with the congregation four times a year
What:  A 4-octave ensemble
Who:  No handbell experience is required, but the ability to read music is a big plus
Rehearsals:  Thursday, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. in Room 30 

Children’s Choir

Nicholas Daniel Sienkiewicz, Director

When:  Offers special music for worship services periodically throughout the year, and also participates in the annual Christmas Pageant
What:  An introduction to worship through music for our younger congregants
Who:  Singers through Jr. High age, and instrumentalists who would like to play carols for the Christmas Pageant. 
Rehearsals:  Starting September 11, 2022: Sundays immediately after 11 a.m. worship, in the Choir Room

Special Music

Contact Alex Koppel

When: Any time we worship or fellowship
What:  Through the years, we have enjoyed a wide range of offerings, from a flute choir, to vocal and instrumental soloists, to a bluegrass group.
Who:  Anyone with a talent to share