Welcome to First Presbyterian Church Bloomington
Join us on sundays
10:30 a.m. Worship. We invite you to join us at our 10:30 am traditional worship service, which is filled with music and singing. Supported by our Paul Fritts Op. 41 organ and the Chancel Choir, our service includes a special message for children. Child care is also available.
9:45 a.m. Faith Forum for Adults and 9:30 Godly Play for Children. Education Hour. Christian Education classes are offered for ages 3 through adults.
Coffee Hour. Following worship, we offer a coffee hour for fellowship and conversation in our social hall.
What We Believe
Our Presbyterian Faith
We are a dynamic congregation with close ties to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and grounded in the Reformed Tradition, which stretches back to John Calvin, Martin Luther and the Reformation that gave birth to the Protestant tradition of the priesthood of all believers. The Presbyterian Church of the 21st century holds fast to the notion that God is continually at work in the world, that Jesus Christ is head of the Church, and that we are called to be life-long learners, richly diverse even in the midst of our unity as people of faith, and open to all that God, in Christ, is leading us to do and be.
We embrace worship that touches the mind, heart, and soul; learning environments that invite questions and provide encouragement; service that reaches out to others in need; and fellowship that brings people together. Our church is about merging faith and daily living, as we seek to know God deeply and more fully. Whether you’re looking for a place to worship on Sundays, or desire to connect with others throughout the week, we respect your preferences and welcome you.
The Brief Statement of Faith from the Book of Confessions of the Presbyterian Church USA is a good contemporary summary of what we believe: https://www.presbyterianmission.org/what-we-believe/brief-statement-of-faith/
Campus Maps
Become a member
New Member Welcome Classes are held periodically throughout the year. These classes will help answer questions about who we are and what we believe, and what church membership entails. Contact the church office if you are interested in learning more about our next class!