Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women
Our FPC Presbyterian Women’s group is affiliated with the national Presbyterian Women organization through the PCUSA. We host event, studies, service opportunities, and more! We welcome anyone in the FPC community to participate. Join us!
Purpose of Presbyterian Women:
Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit we commit ourselves:
To nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study
To support the mission of the church worldwide
To work for justice and peace and
To build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA) and witnesses to the promise of God's kingdom.
For Presbyterian Women regional and national news, go to www.presbyterianwomen.org
Now that we are returning to a somewhat more normal routine for the fall, PW would like to invite all women associated with FPC to consider joining us this year. PW generally sponsors a number of events that may interest the women in the church, as well as supporting three Circles that are open to all.
Past PW events have included gatherings for breakfast at a local restaurant, sponsoring potluck dinners and trips to museums or other local attractions. This summer a group of FPC women gathered for lunch at the Hive in a socially distance gathering of conversation and fellowship. At Christmas there is usually a Christmas carol sing with a soup lunch, although we all fixed our own soup and sandwiches last year as we caroled on Zoom.
PW is supported through pledges from its members, as well as other fund-raising events as situations allow. Proceeds from these activities are distributed each year to local and Presbyterian mission projects.
Please consider joining one of our Circles that have been meeting primarily on Zoom for the past year. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact one of the Circle leaders.
We hope to “see” you this fall, although the format of each of the meetings may vary between in-person gatherings and Zoom meetings, or a hybrid of the two. Stay tuned!
Presbyterian Women sponsor three Circles for Women in First Presbyterian Church and are open to women of all ages.
A fellowship group that enjoy lunch together and a short Bible study.
Meets the first Monday, March-October, at Bell Trace in the Bistro at noon. The moderator is Carole Allen.
A service, support and social group that meets the second Tuesday during the months of
April - May - June & September - October - November, in the church parlor at 7:00 p.m. The moderator is Gail Dunning .
A Bible study group that uses the Presbyterian Women Horizons Bible study materials.
Meets the first Thursday, September-May, in the church parlor at 1:00 p.m. The moderator is Kathy Hollinger .
Sponsored Events
PW breakfast at local restaurants as announced.
Other group events as announced.
Christmas Hymn sing and installation of new officers in December.
For more information see the FPC Calendar or contact PW@fpcbloomington.org.