Ministry, Community Groups, and shared interest
Covenant Groups
Study Groups at FPC
Building Community
College Minisitry
Small groups at FPC
At FPC we understand the need for people to make deep and meaningful connections and we often build community around shared interests and activities.
We hope you’ll find a meaningful place to belong in one of our small groups. New groups will form as needs and interests arise.
Building Community
Dining Out Group meets once a month (except November and December) to share a meal at a Bloomington restaurant. A different restaurant each month gives a chance to sample a variety of cuisines in great company! Contact Lou Moir
Men's Breakfast is an informal, conversational men’s gathering on third Fridays at 8:00 a.m. Meets at The Bedräk Café. Contact Don Hollinger
Suppers of Eight is a fun and unique way to meet members in the congregation in the context of a shared potluck (pitch-in) meal. Participants (singles or couples) meet monthly in one of the participants homes. Host home is rotated, and each month is with a different group, resulting in the chance to get to know as many as 24-30 new people over the four months from January through April. Sign-ups begin in November. Contact Kathy Norris
Presbyterians Outdoors explore the beauty of God’s creation around Bloomington! Contact Maggie Knust
Faith & Film meets to watch movies and discuss their faith implications. Contact Boyd Hahn
College Ministry
We welcome students at Indiana University that seek an alternative space for engaging and experiencing questions of faith through worship, study and mission.
For more information contact, the office at office@fpcbloomington.org for more information!
This group of Presbyterians and friends in the community has been active since January 2000. New members and "drop-ins" are always welcome! Feel free to check with any member of the group about participating. Contact the group at fpcbookgroup@googlegroups.com.
Except where noted the group meets on the last Sunday of the month at 7:00 p.m. We meet in a downstairs meeting room in the main building at the Bell Trace Retirement Community off of East 10th Street.
Earth Stewards
ministry seeking to promote environmentally friendly and sustainable practices throughout our church and community and striving to be good stewards of God's creation. Join us!
Continuing Projects: Our group has organized the recycling program in the church and volunteers who make regular pickups of recyclables to transport to the recycling center. We plan activities around Earth Day each year. We offer programs on environmental themes in the Sunday morning Faith Forum series. We have occasionally promoted alternative transportation through WALBICUS (Walk, Bike, Carpool, or Bus) weeks.
We promote and recognize efforts throughout the church to save energy and reduce greenhouse emissions. Here is how our church has increased its energy efficiency between 2014 and the end of 2016: LED bulbs have been installed through most of our building, and a new high-efficiency gas boiler was installed. Other energy-saving strategies like motion sensors and higher-efficiency appliances are paying off. Annualized savings represent a 20% reduction in electricity usage and a 50% reduction in gas usage.
In addition we publish regular articles and announcements in the First Press and weekly church email about church and community issues and events related to our environmental concerns. Here is a collection of past articles.
We maintain a comprehensive list of re-use and recycling options in Bloomington - Bloomington Reuse & Recycle Options - or find a hard copy on the bulletin board in the north narthex.
Earth Care: We are part of this interfaith consortium in Bloomington. In cooperation with them we devoted the entire year of 2011 to their Task of the Month program, a systematic way of making cost-effective changes that reduce home energy consumption, especially electricity, which in Indiana comes primarily from coal-fired power plants.
How to contact us: Email us at earthstewards@googlegroups.com to join our email distribution list or with ideas and suggestions. Or contact Allan Edmonds